Learning how to “cry”

Are you a cry baby? When was the last time you cried? If you want to learn to sing better, then you need to learn how to cry.

All good singers have a cry in their voice. You might not notice it, but it is there.

Try it. I mean really sob. Not loud…this has nothing to do with the sound…this has everything to do with the sensations you feel in your body.

Notice the ache you feel in the back of your neck. Notice your ribs expand to accommodate your breath. Notice your face and the inside of the back of your mouth lift.

If you don’t notice any of this, then relax and start over. Do not make these things happen, simply engage in the smallness of these facts.

This coordination helps to keep your larynx stable and low, and creates a perfect body support for singing. It also thins out the vocal folds and allows the thyroid cartilage to tilt.

It also creates an easily heard passion in your voice…..and this is why we love to listen to great singers. They are emotionally connected to themselves…to their voice.

The degree of “cry” can be varied. You may hear it a lot in a crooner or jazz singer, or even a country singer. It may be difficult to decipher in a rock singer….but believe me….it is there!



The rock singer’s voice

Singing rock music is extreme. If you are going to do it, you had better do it well. This means you need to be fully aware of what is going on inside your throat and body.

If your goal is to sound a certain way, or to sound like somebody else, then you may very well be in trouble. Most rock singers you admire have been singing for years and years and years. That’s why we love their voices. They have that vintage-sounding tone even in their speaking voice. Check your speaking voice; do you have a brassy component left over from years of blowing hard through your vocal cords. Probably not. And most teachers would say, that’s a good thing!

Singing extreme music like rock will require you to challenge yourself to be extreme. Are you sure you are ready? Are all your ducks lined up? The key here is being extreme in all the right places.

1. Do you have one continuous, seamless voice from the bottom of your range to the top of your range? (mixing)
2. Are you are total control of your increases and decreases in volume? Can you go from loud to soft back to loud in one long breath? (cord closure)
3. Can you do all the sounds I’ve listed in some of my posts? (ie hung-gee, the sirens, nay, nay, nay) (resonance)

If the previous exercises bog you down, then you are not ready for more. These need to be as easy as speaking.

Next step: Go out and do it! That’s right. Go get a gig and do it for free. Sing, sing, sing, and then go sing some more. Follow all the guidelines about warm-ups and cool-downs, but sing everyday, as long as you can. Pay attention, be careful. Get in tune with your voice and body.

When you can sing for 4 hours continuously without going hoarse, you are ready to step up your game.

Any comments or questions. Please leave them here.