The big voice ………

Do you have a loud speaking voice? Are you the one everyone can hear yelling at the local arena because it’s so easy to do? Do you get hoarse easily? If so, and you are a singer, you need to know about thinning your vocal cords in order to sing into your high register. Without the ability to thin the cords you will simply be yelling louder and louder to reach higher notes, and the stress and damage this causes is hard on the vocal cords.

The first thing a singer with a big voice needs to recognize is how easy it can be to overuse the vocal cords without even realizing it. Because you find it easy to speak loud or yell, you are not aware it is damaging your voice by stretching the cords frequently. If this has been going on for years, your vocal muscles may have this memorized, and you are now faced with the challenge of creating a new memory of thinning the cords.

It is a common problem among singers, both male and female, but steps can be taken right away. It starts with your speaking voice. Instead of simply allowing your voice to do what it has been doing for years, now you can take steps that will allow you to ascend higher in your register.

First, try to add a “cry” to your voice. Let your volume come down and be aware of your intent to add this sensation when you talk. Get in the habit of talking this way. Notice the cry with help you take control of your voice in a way that you can be aware of. Another sensation that will help you stay in this mode is thinking a silent laugh. This will relax the muscles around the vocal cords and give you an easier starting point to put a cry in your speaking voice.

2 thoughts on “The big voice ………

  1. Great article, Susan. It’s worth perhaps specifying that the cry actually actively tenses and stretches the folds, rather than helping anything relax – it’s this stretching and tensin that helps us go higher.

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